Young Carers

Our Young Carers & Young Adult Carer Service supports carers aged between 16-25.

If you are looking after a family member, relative or friend who is frail, disabled, mental health problems or is affected by alcohol or drug misuse then is you.

We recognise that young carers are young people first and foremost, therefore, we encourage them to take part in fun activities, to learn life skills and to look at what their life aspirations are.

We have a dedicated group which runs:

Tuesday evening is an activity-based night for the young people to plan what they would like to do this includes playing games, watching films, cooking and planned outings. This gives them the opportunity to connect with other young carers in a friendly and laid-back environment. During this time the group look at issues/concerns and any relevant training opportunities like CPR/Fire Safety.

A Wednesday evening is a drop in night for the young people to have a safe space to come and relax and have staff available to chat with.

Most importantly the group provides Young Carers & Young Adult Carers the platform to be heard.

If you are under the age of 16 you can still access a service provided by the Carers Centre via the Young Carers Worker at HSCP whom we can refer on to.

If you would like more information about the service, you can contact our Children & Family Support Worker, Stacey Gillen on 01475 735180 or

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