Inverclyde Young Carers Help Produce BBC Documentary about their Experiences

Young Carers spoke about the importance of respite and what they do to get a break from caring in the brilliant BBC film

Some of our young Carers recently took part in a filming project with BBC Scotland where they shared their thoughts about being a young Carer and how they also make time to care for themselves!

Our youth worker Lauren Boyd said: “There’s still so much misconception about what being a Carer means, so this was a fantastic opportunity.

“Three of our young carers expressed interest in it and they were asked up to the BBC studios in Glasgow to meet with other young carers from around Scotland.

“They had a chat with the BBC team about being a young carer and what it means. They had a great time.”

“We also provide opportunities all year around at the Carers Centre.

“The young people work so hard.”

The young carers worked together to develop and produce the video in which they talked about their caring role and the importance of getting respite. The group also got a tour of the studios as well as a training session on the cameras and editing equipment.

We want to say a huge well done to our young Carers for creating such a fantastic video!

Follow the link to watch the video:

We run groups for young Carers every Tuesday and Wednesday evening, 5pm – 7pm: on Tuesdays 16 and 17 year olds meet, and on Wednesdays 18-25 year olds meet, at the Carers Centre to relax and socialise.

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