Test and Protect Language Update

The Scottish Government have updated community language versions of Test and Protect. The Scottish Government have updated community language versions for Test and Protect. Please click on the links below […]
Day Opportunities & Residential Respite

What you need to know about services starting back. Inverclyde HSCP have released information on the preparations to restart Day Opportunities & Residential Respite. Click below to read an open […]
Carer Positive employers guide

Supporting working Carers during and beyond the covid 19 pandemic With many organisations beginning to return to the workplace, this will be a challenging time for employers and employees, including […]
Face Coverings for Unpaid Carers

Face coverings for unpaid Carers. Edinburgh Mask Makers, a voluntary organisation of rag-tag students, professionals and disabled people are supporting Inverclyde Carers Centre by donating 1000 fabric face coverings for […]
Briefing from Coalition of Carers in Scotland

Briefing from Coalition of Carers in Scotland PPE for Unpaid Carers The NCOs have produced some resources to help with raising awareness of PPE and unpaid carers. A briefing paper […]
Advice for unpaid Carers providing personal care.

Inverclyde Carers Centre are working with Inverclyde HSCP PPE Hub to ensure unpaid Carers can continue to undertake personal caring tasks safely. The Scottish Government have released the following information […]
Visiting suspended at NHSGGC hospitals to protect patients, staff and public from COVID-19
Visiting suspended at NHSGGC hospitals. New guidelines have been sent out by NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde informing that all unnecessary visiting has been suspended in hospitals. Our Hopsital Based […]
Inverclyde Carers Invited to Apply for a Short Break
With new funding from Scottish Government, Inverclyde Carers Centre is accepting applications from Carers for short breaks.
Changes to Hospital Visiting in Scotland as Restrictions Ease

The relaxation of restrictions means that hospital inpatients in Scotland can now have one visitor per day. Temporary hospital visiting restrictions have been lifted and adult inpatients across NHSGGC hospitals […]